Seeking someone to clear snow in the parking lot and away from emergency doors. With the large amount of snow, our snow removal crew and equipment have been breaking down. We are looking for somebody to step forward and volunteer some time and equipment to move snow. We have plenty of area to stockpile snow, but no way to get it there.
The Knights of Columbus Marian Prayer Icon will be displayed in the sanctuary until Friday, January 25. For the past 18 years the Knights of Columbus have sponsored an image of Our Lady that travels throughout the state of Minnesota. This year's image is "Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians."
Ct St. Mary 509 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas is sponsoring the National Catholic Education Contest for students Grade 4 through Grade 12. The categories include Essay, Poetry, Art and Computer Art. The themes are “Here I am Lord I Come to Do Your Will” or Doing my Best to Do Good. Deadline to enter is February 1. For more information call Cathy Bjorklund @ (218) 284-6237.
In the event of a blizzard warning in Fargo-Moorhead, or when St. Joseph’s School is cancelled, the parish office will be closed and all activities cancelled, including daily morning Mass. Weekend Mass will continue to be celebrated for those who can safely make it to the church. Cancellations will be decided on a case-by-case basis in the event of less severe weather (such as a winter storm warning). In all cases of severe weather, closings and cancellations will be advertised on local TV and radio stations KVLY, KFGO, and WDAY, and on the parish website.
We are looking for a volunteer to water and tend to the plants in the church and gathering area. This would require one to two hours each week. Please contact Dennis in the Parish Office if you are interested in volunteering.
Celebrate Respect Life Month! You're invited to join Catholics nationwide in celebrating Respect Life Month this October with the message “Every Life: Cherished, Chosen, Sent”! Learn more at
We are in need of more liturgical ministers-especially ushers, Eucharistic ministers, and (Saturday) sacristans. Please pray about how you are able to serve. Watch the bulletin for training dates. Please contact for more information about how you can serve!
We are in need of more liturgical ministers-especially ushers, Eucharistic ministers, and (Saturday) sacristans. Please pray about how you are able to serve. Usher and server trainings are scheduled for September. Watch the bulletin for additional training dates. Please contact for more information about how you can serve!
Seminarian Michael Arey was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate by Bishop Hoeppner on Saturday, June 16. Let us join with Michael and his family in celebrating the last big step toward his priestly ordination.
Are you a painting contractor, or do you know one? Would you like to volunteer to paint? We will be repainting the parish office and the Adoration Chapel this summer and need help. If you can assist, please call the parish office.