Here is a list of items needed by St. Gianna's Maternity Home and the Perry Center. All items can be placed in the crib in the Gathering Space:
St. Gianna's: Huggies & Pampers of all sizes; Paper & household products such as toilet paper, paper plates, paper towels, napkins, tinfoil, baggies, cleaning supplies, etc.; Stamps (for postage); Gift cards for mothers to purchase personal items, groceries and gas.
Perry Center: Newborn diapers; Size 3 and up diapers; Newborn to size 6 mos. baby clothes for boys and girls; Baby socks; Baby wipes; Desitin diaper rash ointment; Baby toiletry and care items (no baby powder, please); Baby bath sets; Washcloths; Any toys that are easily sanitized (no stuffed animals, please); Dish soap (not for dishwasher); 13 gal kitchen garbage bags; Pots and pans; Paper towels; Cleaning and laundry supplies; Kitchen washcloths and dishtowels