From Bishop Hoeppner: We offer our prayers of gratitude for your financial and spiritual support of St. Mary’s Mission and Elementary School at Red Lake. Your sacrifice allows the light of Christ – Lumen Christi – to permeate the lives of so many in the poverty-stricken area of Red Lake, MN. Indeed your generosity makes all the difference in the world to this mission. You, as generous friends, and the children of the Mission School hold a special place in our hearts.
The children of Red Lake and the families who rely on the Food Shelf and Thrift Store truly depend upon the generosity of people like you who understand and embrace the need for Christ’s work at St. Mary’s Mission to continue. God bless you.
Sincerely, in the name of the Lord Jesus,
Most Reverend Michael J. Hoeppner
Bishop of Crookston
This year's St. Mary's Mission Appeal will be November 28-29. Please give generously.